Monday, July 21, 2008

stinker face

This post on (one of my favorite blogs) reminds me of Clementine's smelly face cream. I came over one day and Clementine's significant other said "Come here and smell Clem's face! Tell her it stinks!" I was like, "Huh? What is happening here?" and then I was forced to smell her cheek and OMG her stunningly beautiful face smelled like a junk yard. An extra stinky junk yard. 

So the funniest part about it is that we gave her so much shit, and we were both so horrified that she would wear this yucky (although expensive) substance on her face, that I went and bought her a new face cream as a little prezzie. The one I bought her was a bad batch (which happens with Lush products, although very rarely) and I ended up gifting her an even MORE smelly cream on accident. Oops. Sorry Clemmykins. You are destined to be a stinker face. 


Unknown said...

Yes, I felt compelled to check in to my favorite private beach ... Happy to read that the tigger in you is back, avoiding the erase button and that craptastic july is almost behind you.

imnotarobot said...

Thank you so much! I am having a hard time today and I really appreciate your nice comments. :)

Unknown said...

Consider me the on-star operator for your blog …. If your ever in an accident and your air bags get deployed or need directions to a restaurant - just hit that button I will be that anonymous voice that comes over the speakerphone making sure you are allright.