Monday, July 21, 2008

looking back at craptastic July

I am looking through my posts from July, dude this has been such a sucky month! I knew it would be with so many things going on, I have just been bracing myself to get through it. Only 2 more weeks of trial and I can actually have 2 days off per week and not be stretching myself so thin, and Tony will be home from tour and I can really get some serious planning done for the wedding.

Thank goodness it is almost over. In retrospect is isn't the worst time I have ever had but it has just been so stressful at every turn and everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. There have been so many crazy things to deal with and it didn't help that one of my 2 best girlfriends in LA moved away and Tony is gone along with everything else. 

It has been so emotional and poopy. I was going to write a list of the 87 shitty stressful things that have happened but instead I will think positive and try to put it all behind me. The good part is that the month FLEW by. You know when something seems like it is forever but at the same time is is gone before you know it? Thank goodness it is almost over. 

Yes, I do have perspective I realize that everything I have dealt with this month is not life or death and I do know that I am still really lucky to live the spoiled life I live, but that doesn't mean I can't call a really stressful time what it was. As long as everyone I love is healthy and generally happy, I am grateful and I never lose that reality. Trust me, I know things can be worse, much worse. I would take this stress any day over things my loved ones have had to deal with recently.

The good news is that Tony and I are smarty pants and we planned a vacation for August 2-4 because we knew he would be home from tour and I would be done with the trial and the overall stressful month and it would be a good reward. We are staying here in Santa Barbara:

How amazing does this look? Oh boy, I can't wait!

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