I am truly sorry that "The Infomercial Channel" bums me out and being abreast of current affairs interest's me.Don't take it personally.I still love you.T.
Your misuse of apostrophes is more upsetting to me than the 24 hour CNN marathon we have been having for four years. I still love you, too.
Eewwwww. Burned me!One misplaced apostrophe!Man do I feel 'moted!T.
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I am truly sorry that "The Infomercial Channel" bums me out and being abreast of current affairs interest's me.
Don't take it personally.
I still love you.
Your misuse of apostrophes is more upsetting to me than the 24 hour CNN marathon we have been having for four years.
I still love you, too.
Burned me!
One misplaced apostrophe!
Man do I feel 'moted!
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