Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tony's Rules

-do NOT under any circumstances hold up a book or magazine to read it while sitting in the passenger seat, it may obstruct his view when he tries to change lanes at a moment's notice for no apparent reason.

-do NOT use any skincare/body product with any sort of fantastic moisturizing quality because he may slip on it drunk in the shower.

-do NOT put lotion on my dry feet at night because it may come off and stain the sheets when I get into bed.

-do NOT ever EVER ever leave a blanket laying on the couch for any length of time, it must be folded and in a cupboard where he can't see it.

-do NOT have feet, they gross him out.

-do NOT use any wonderful little free samples I may obtain of bath and body products because the container may be knocked (by him) into the drain and then I will have to pull it out of the drain using a butter knife and a band-aid while naked, wet and late for work, while he stands over me and watches until I scream at him like a nutjob to get the FUCK OUT OF THE BATHROOM AND QUIT WATCHING ME WHILE I AM NAKED AND SQUATTING IN THE TUB.

-do NOT drink a soda out of the can unless you drink the whole thing or else he gets very upset.

-do NOT talk on my cell phone (or look at it to text message or read emails) for more than 5 minutes ESPECIALLY if we are on the go. If we are at home, it is okay, but when we are going somewhere I have to be on full alert at all times in case he needs anything. If I do get on the phone he inevitably needs me to do something right away.

-do NOT watch reality shows, even if he isn't around because it annoys him that they exist and that people like them.

I will think of more. Don't worry.


Capt. Pinkpants said...

Here is a point by point rebuttle:

1. Melissa is always yelling at me for the way I drive.
Keep in mind that since we have been dating she has been in one major car accident, driven over an island, and gets lost going to the store down the street (true story)
So When I try to accommodate her phobia she then turns around and post's things like this.
Thank you

2. It has nothing to do with being drunk (OK, once).
It has to do with leaving a basin full of slimy residue that even a shower ninja would slip on.

3. Uh, do you want the person you are sharing a bed with slathering their feet in greasy shit? Especially when it is you who not only bought the sheets but, will be washing them as well?
Would you want to sleep next to the "pedi" version of the La Brea tar pits?

4. It's just one more thing you leave out...

5. Feet ARE gross.

6. All I have to say about this one is that none of my shit has ended up in the drain.
How could that be? hhhmm.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that I haven't ringed the bath tub with 800 products like some kind of a "bath rodeo".

7. Uh, for someone who has become such a fucking earth nazi, you waste a fuck-load of aluminum.
Do you remember "high school beers?"
Those are all the half drank beers cheerleaders left on tables at high school parties.
Melissa does that but, with Diet Pepsi.

8. Whenever we go somewhere new. Somewhere that Melissa knows we have no clue how to get to. That is when she decides it's time to not pay attention to getting to our destination, but it is the perfect time to look up the weight of new born kittens on her phone.

9. On this point you are right on.


imnotarobot said...

are you sure you love me?

Capt. Pinkpants said...

"Oh, the guilt"