Friday, September 5, 2008


So a friend of ours wrote a mean comment on another friend's blog. In front of the person and as a joke.

I wasn't in on the joke. This person who's blog it was written on is a bit of a public figure of sorts. I GOT SO MAD because I didn't know that it was a joke and that she knew all about it and blah blah blah.

I was steaming mad. Like so mad. I wrote this huge post back to the asshole who wrote the mean comment. Then I found out that it was not real. 

It made me realize that I don't think I can handle it when something real happens to my loved ones in a negative way from press or the public. Even if it is just a comment on a forum or something. I get so mad. Like I want to kill people. I know sometimes things can hurt her feelings a little bit but for the most part she really lets it roll off her back. She grew up with this sort of thing so she can deal with it better than someone who was new to the scene. Not me. I told her this morning I was steaming pissed and I was about to tear all of my clothes off like The Hulk. Except replace the muscles with fat and replace the green color with my pale white skin.

It is one thing to spout off about some celebrity/musician or politician, but just think about how much it hurts your feelings or makes you feel shitty to hear that someone said something mean about you. I think we forget sometimes that they are just people, and they are people with loved ones who would punch you straight in your ugly mug for saying something shitty to them or about them. It is weird how it is just okay to say anything we want about people that are entertainers. I know they are public figures and this comes with the territory. Well let's see how you react if I called your baby ugly, or your sister fat or said your boyfriend was hitting on girls when he wasn't or what if I said that your best friend was an idiot and a whore. Hey, you are out there walking around in public, I should be able to say whatever the fuck I want about you, right? Okay, maybe it is different, but really, just think for a second about how hard it would be for you to hear this stuff and have to just tune it out and not react because "it comes with the territory". 

Yes, I love TMZ and trashy celeb gossip sites and mags, so I guess I am just as bad as everyone else. I suppose it just hits me sometimes when it lands in my backyard, you know?

What usually frustrates me the most is when people say wrong information and I can't correct them. like they say something totally inaccurate and I just have to sit on my hands and let it go.

I also get pissed when fans (even though they are very appreciated) get a little weird and get upset about not getting enough attention when actors/musicians are kind enough to write them or talk to them. They always want more. What in the fuck are you people wanting? To come over for dinner and be best friends? Seriously, actors/musicians are not your friends, they are SO stoked to have fans and really do appreciate it, but take what they give you and then back the fuck off. Just because they have a certain career does not obligate them to keep in touch with you on a weekly basis or to stand and talk with you for 45 minutes while you are wasted drunk. It happens to friends of mine all of the time, and to my fiance.     

I was already mad about my parking ticket and then this happened. This is fair warning (for your own good) to all other humans on the planet... STEP ASIDE TODAY AND DON'T GET IN MY FUCKING WAY. 

Thank you. 


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