Sunday, November 16, 2008

Besides my husband, cat, friends and family... I LOVE...

reality TV
ghost huntings shows and websites
true crime books/shows
being outside
animals except for one VERY bad one
being in tropical locations
taking baths/showers
finding clothes that fit and that are made well
comfortable shoes
having a clean house and car
having laundry done and put away
chatting with nice people I meet while out and about
Lush products
scrubs from Isle of Eden
pajama pants
good communication
going to see bands
dinner with my husband or friends or family
holidays (how ironic, I used to HATE holidays)
pumpkin/peppermint bark/etc. (seasonal drinks/food)
being in cold weather (used to HATE this, too)
water (drinking it AND being in it haha)
art. and owning original pieces of art.
getting to know new friends/mutual friends of friends
good movies
my iphone

and at least one million other things.

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