Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Excuses, excuses.

I have been sick and busy so I haven't written in a while. I am taking a
medication called Levaquin, it is so harsh. It makes me dizzy and makes
me throw up I am very drowsy except for when I actually try to go to bed
and then I can't sleep. Plus I wake up coughing all night long. I just
ate a magic honey stick so hopefully I will be able to sleep. Tomorrow
is my last day of meds, after that I will never take it again.

Got some possible bad news about 2 friends. Both medical issues that are
very scary

On a positive note... Quitiquit's dad was released from prison with all
charges dropped after going through being accused of murder (of his
wife) and being held for several years. We went and saw him in court
once and they wouldn't even let Quitiquit say hi to him. It was such a
bummer. He is moving to LA now, that should be interesting.

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