Thursday, October 23, 2008


So when I was a young teenager someone told me a lie. I can not for the life of me remember who it was. I have repeated this lie all through my life. I thought it was true. I have told many people and mesmerized them with my Amazing Facts, never knowing it was NOT TRUE. People usually respond to this particular info by turning their head to the side, squinting their eyes and saying "Hmm, really?" never wanting to believe and I have to convince them of it.

I have questioned the information myself many times when I proved it to be incorrect. Over and over. Yet, I still believed it somehow and still told people about it.

The lie: pineapple juice stains anything it touches BLACK.

Now, I eat a lot of pineapple. A super lot. I eat it until my tongue hurts. Those suckers are juicy and I often get pineapple juice on something. EVERY SINGLE TIME I EXPECT THE STAIN TO BE BLACK. It never is. Not even once. In fact, it never stains at all, not my white shirts, nothing.

But in my head I still say to myself OH FUCK! PINEAPPLE STAINS BLACK!!!

Who told me this and why do I believe it even though I have proved that it isn't true? Why did someone tell me this anyway? How many people have I told this weird thing to who figured out it wasn't true at all? WTF?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey buddy it's Sarah. I realized I have a blogspot account. imagine that.

I thought of you the other day because I saw something in my store that should have been on failblog. In the payroll binder, under the request off tab, was not a request off sheet, but a copy of the termination policy.

I miss you! I hope you aren't stressing out too much (TOO much, I know it's impossible for you not to stress out AT ALL) :)

Oh and if it makes you feel any better, I grew up convinced that when I lied my tongue turned black because my mom told me that. No wonder I'm so honest.